KSG Ice Hockey
**Finals Fees Payment Available Online until July 19, 2017**
Download 2017 Ice Hockey Finalist Information Letter
- PeeWee - males age 12 & Under
- Bantam - males age 14 & Under
- Midget 16U - males 16 & Under
- Midget 18U - males 18 & Under
- Junior Female - age 20 & Under
The classification of a player shall be determined by their age on December 31, 2016
- An athlete must meet ONE of the following criteria for Keystone Divisions:
- A full-time Pennsylvania resident within the region for 30 days prior to first day of tryouts.
- A full-time Pennsylvania student at a recognized academic institution in the region.
- To determine your region, please see County Codes Below:
- The above map is the general county map - Ice Hockey Regions are as follows:
- Central: Nittany Region, West Region except for Greene, Washington, Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette Counties
- East: Blue Mountain, Capital, Lehigh Valley, and Pocono Regions
- South: Delaware Valley and Metro Regions
- West: Greene, Washington, Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette Counties
- Pee Wee and Bantam – 3 PM
- Midget 16U and Junior Female – 4 PM
- Midget 18U – 5 PM
- Pee Wee – 12:30 PM
- Bantam – 1:30 PM
- Junior Female – 2:30 PM
- Midget 16U – 3:30 PM
- Midget 18U – 4:30 PM
- Pee Wee – 12:30 PM
- Bantam – 1:30 PM
- Junior Female – 2:30 PM
- Midget 16U – 3:30 PM
- Midget 18U – 4:30 PM
Download the East Region Tryout Flyer
PEE WEES – 12 U as of 12/31/2016 (2004)
Bucks County Ice Sports, Warminster PA
Tuesday, 5/16/2017 – 5:30 – 6:30 PM
Sunday, 5/21/2017 – 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM
Thursday, 6/1/2017 - 5:30 – 6:30 PMBANTAMS – 14 U as of 12/31/2016 (2002)
Bucks County Ice Sports, Warminster PA
Tuesday, 5/16/2017 – 6:40 – 7:40 PM
Sunday, 5/21/2017 – 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Thursday, 6/1/2017 – 6:40 – 7:40 PMMIDGETS – 16 U as of 12/31/2016 (2000)
Bucks County Ice Sports, Warminster PA
Tuesday, 5/16/2017 – 7:50 PM – 8:50 PM
Sunday, 5/21/2017 – 4:10 – 5:10 PM
Thursday, 6/1/2017 – 7:50 PM – 8:50 PMMIDGETS – 18 U as of 12/31/2016 (1998)
Bucks County Ice Sports, Warminster PA
Tuesday, 5/16/2017 – 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Sunday, 5/21/2017 – 5:20 – 6:20 PM
Thursday, 6/1/2017 – 9:00 PM – 10:00 PMFEMALE – 20 U as of 12/31/2016 (1996)
Bucks County Ice Sports, Warminster, PA
Sunday, 5/21/2017 – 6:30 – 7:30 PMWEST REGION ICE HOCKEY TRYOUTS
West Region TryoutsAll at The Spencer Family YMCA (Bethel Park Bladerunners)
Pee WeeSat. May 13th, 12-12:50 PMSat. May 20th, 12-12:50 PMSat. June 3rd, 12-12:50 PM
BantamSat. May 13th, 1-1:50 PMSat. May 20th, 1-1:50 PMSat. June 3rd, 1-1:50 PM
Midget (16U)Sat. May 13th, 3-3:50 PMSat. May 20th, 3-3:50 PMSat. June 3rd, 3-3:50 PM
Midget (18U)Sat. May 13th, 2-2:50 PMSat. May 20th, 2-2:50 PMSat. June 3rd, 2-2:50 PM
Junior FemaleSat. May 13th, 4-4:50 PMSat. May 20th, 4-4:50 PMSat. June 3rd, 4-4:50 PM
REGIONAL TRYOUTS: Athletes registering for tryouts online MUST bring their registration receipt to the tryout as proof of registration - without the receipt you maybe charged an additional fee at the site.
Tryouts Will be updated regularly as coaches set tryout dates and times:
Saturday May 13 – Baierl Ice Complex – Warrendale, Pa
Saturday May 20 – Baierl Ice Complex – Warrendale, Pa
Saturday June 10 – Baierl Ice Complex – Warrendale, Pa
SCHEDULE: Download the 2017 Ice Hockey Schedule
HANDBOOK: Download the 2017 Ice Hockey Handbook
- Tryout fee: Online $30 - by Check / Mail / Walk-on Site $40
- Finalist fee: Online $75 - by Check / Mail $85
SPORT LEADER: Kathy Santora, 412-835-6594 , kathy@santora.us
CENTRAL - Jeff Mauro, 412-848-3750, jeffmauro@aol.com, (Great Lake, Laurel Highlands & Nittany Regions plus Beaver County)
EAST – Mike Cleveland, 717-848-1084 ext. 106, mikec@yorkskate.com (Blue Mountain, Capital, Lehigh Valley & Pocono Regions)
SOUTH - Bill Weil, 610-574-2724, wcw0817@msn.com (Delaware Valley & Metro Regions)
WEST - Stephanie Jurik, 412-849-6410, stephjurik@gmail.com (Allegheny Region minus Beaver County)
- Click Here for the Discounted Online Registration Tryout
- Walk-in Tryout Registration Form
- Waiver Form
- Click Here for the Discounted Online Registration Finals Fee - Cost $75 with Online Finals Fee
- Download General Mail-in Registration Form - Cost $85 Ice Hockey Finals Fee by Mail
Addition Information:
KSG Home Page
General Visitors / Event Information
KSG Staff Contacts
York Hotel Opportunities
Sport York - York Convention and Visitors Bureau
Cancellation Policy:If the competition is held, as scheduled or rescheduled, there is no refund of the registration/finals fee. The option is the individual’s or team’s as to whether to compete or not. If the competition is cancelled, and not rescheduled, and there is no opportunity for the individual or team to compete, then there may be a full or partial refund depending on the circumstances.
This policy is for all Keystone State Games and Premier Amateur Sports sporting events. Any person who wishes to apply for a refund must complete the following link: CLICK HERE FOR REFUND LINK
Refund considerations may require additional paperwork and will be reviewed after the completion of the competition. Refund inquires are to be emailed to: refund@ksgoffice.com